What Is Your Attitude Towards Situation?
Greetings, let’s meditate on this word…..
1 Chronicles 4:9–10 “ Jabez was more honorable than his brothers…..’’.
Now notice the verse very carefully God’s word says Jabez was more honorable than his brother’s…. but why??
Because he was a fighter till the end and never gave up… Imagine a mother naming his child ‘Pain’ that is what Jabez means? The whole of his life was called pain! But, the question is why was he more honorable than his brother?
Because he never wanted to give up in any situation. Everywhere He went he was unknowingly producing pain and problem. Because that is what his name meant but even then he was a fighter and had an attitude of never giving up.
That is what your attitude should be? Which is to Never give up. Never ever give up, God your maker never gave up even to the point of death on the Cross. He never gives up Wow!!!
You will never lose if you have the right attitude of never giving up!
Now Confess with me…..Gold, Diamond, Silver, and Millions are mine and are following me all days of my life because I have made up mind never ever give up. AMEN
By Apostle Winston Joseph, Ph.D.