What is Walking by Faith?

Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries
2 min readOct 28, 2020


Walking in faith is a walk obligatory to walk in the light of the word of God which was witnessed in the days of Jesus. When he walked on the face of the earth, there was a centurion who came asking for help for his servant who laid paralyzed at home. Jesus said that he would go and heal him, but the centurion requested the Lord only to say the word and that he (Jesus) need not come under his roof. Jesus said that his faith was great and it would be done just as he believed (Matthew 8:5–13).

Walking in faith is an act, when we do not walk by five physical senses i.e. sense of sight, sense of feeling, sense of smell, sense of taste, and sense of hearing, but by faith. In this walk, we solely depend upon the only spiritual substance, the word and through faith we walk in the light of the word.

When you are born again by the Word and the Spirit, it is mandatory for you to walk by faith and not by your sight or feeling. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:35, “Women received back their dead, raised to life again…” Just imagine, the impossible becomes possible when you walk by faith. You must receive your healing by faith and only then you can keep it by faith. Feelings are extremely fickle and you must never receive your healing through your senses i.e. by feeling or other senses, because feelings can change due to which you can lose your healing.

You may ask me to expound what is walking by faith for you….

To read more, refer the Book “Living In Glory Without Sickness” Written by Dr. Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon



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Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries

Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ’s Blood Washed India.