Greeting, Let's meditate on this word from the bottom of the heart.
Proverbs 22: 4 “Humility and fear of the LORD bring wealth, honor and life.’’
There are two Ingredients for being wealthier “Humility” and “Fear of the lord.’’
What is Humility? Humility comes from the root word ‘ANAH’ which means to stoop down. This stooping down is for those authorities who are over you in life.
Proverbs 30: 17 “The eye that mocks a father, that scorns obedience to a mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures”.
This is a strong warning for those who do it but, what does it mean by ravens and vultures? It does not mean physical ravens and vultures! It means unclean spirits which are released when a person mocks his father or mother.
In the realms of the spirit, it is a serious crime if you go against your authority. A few days back I asked a person to go to his physical father and bow down and humble himself. The person called me after some time and said I just could not do it. Just see how difficult the devil makes to humble oneself. I asked him to do this because one of his doors was not opening for him.
I want you to take inventory of your life have you ever disrespect your father or mother then go and fall down at their feet and kiss their feet and ask them to bless you. You may say my own father is a drunkard. Beloved always know this you will not be judged by what your father did. But you will be judged by your attitude and behavior towards them.
So confess with me….
I will never ever even in my wildest dream go against my authority. Therefore Diamond, Gold, Silver and Millions are mine and are following me all the days of my life.
By Apostle Winston Joseph, Ph.D