Value of Sin and Sacrifice

Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries
4 min readMay 23, 2021


Most of us have this idea that Christ has taken care of our past sins but He left us struggling with over present and future sins which you may commit. Most of us do not have any idea what Christ did and paid for us and the enemy wants to keep us in total ignorance. We are absolutely free!

To illustrate this let us assume that you have borrowed one hundred thousand rupees/ one lakh rupees from somebody and you don’t have that money to pay it back. Then every time you see that person, you will hide and escape; and just imagine if that person started coming to your house and troubling you. So, one day your wealthy father visits you. As your father is in your house and hears a loud knock on the door and you start hiding, while the person comes inside and creates a ruckus over the borrowed money. Your father decides that he will take care of it and so he goes to the lender’s house and pays him fifteen hundred thousand rupees/ fifteen lakhs instead of one lakh and forbids him to even look at his son/ you. But if this message is not passed on to you properly, you will still be afraid of your borrower. Why? It is because of ignorance. The same thing has happened with your sin.

In Old Testament, Leviticus 1:3–9 whenever a person commits a sin, he had to bring a burnt offering to the Lord i.e. a lamb, then he may lay his hand on the head of the offering, confess and transfers his sin on the animal and it was burned fully. When God’s wrath sees/ used to see the sin offering, it was totally consumed. Why? Because the sin and lamb offering was placed before the balance of justice but the value of the sin was more as compared to the value of lamb. So, God’s wrath on the sin consumed the offering and nothing was left. So, innumerable offerings were consumed by the wrath of God. But 2020 years back the Lamb of God as in John 1:29, Christ came on the face of the earth and offered himself as the Lamb of God for the sins of the entire mankind.

But when offered this was the only time when the sacrifice was not consumed up. Why? Because this time when the sin and the Lamb of God i.e. Christ was placed in/on the balance of justice, sin was nothing compared to the sacrifice. It was more than billion times greater than the sins of mankind and in fact incomparable. So, Christ-the Lamb of God sucked the wrath of God entirely and now when the Triune God sees us, they/He see us as holy and righteous as Christ is, so that we may not focus on law or sin but on Christ, who has paid it all in full. That is why Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Why? Because the law of Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death.

It was the law in the Old Covenant that those who sin must die but Christ destroyed and terminated that law for us by fully keeping it and now He has immersed us in the law of Spirit of life as in Romans 8:2. What does it mean? It means that now we are carriers of life where previously we were carriers of death and wherever we had been we produced death whether it was business, job, family etc. But now it is reversed and we are carriers of life and we transfer life into every one we meet because of Christ. Some people say according to Hebrews 8:7–13 God has put that old law in our heart. That is height of ignorance because Hebrews 8:13 say, “…and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.” It is not the old law God has put in our heart but the new law, but what is that? The law of Spirit of life! So, God has put ‘the life’ law in our mind and is written in our heart by God- “Life”. That means we can only produce life, see life, think life, transfer life, live in abundance of life and give life to everyone who comes in my contact.

Now let us study one more Scripture to understand this life vividly. Romans 5:10 says, “For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” Romans 6:10 says “The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.” Romans 6:11 says, “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

To read more, refer to the Book “The Triune God Unravelling the Truth” Written by Dr. Winston joseph. If you want this Book Please Contact us- 9324952878



Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries
Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries

Written by Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries

Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ’s Blood Washed India.

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