
Jesus was fully submitted to the will of the Father and in the same manner, we can be submitted to those in authorities like — Pastor, elders, and leaders as God has placed them over us. A wife can be submitted to godly husband, children can be submitted to godly parents and so on because of the submission of Jesus as we learn from the Triune God. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “…not my will but yours be done…”, at that moment His sweat rolled like drops of blood. From the above-mentioned verses, only Jesus Christ is the one who can teach what submission is all about. He was submitted even at the point of death at the cross. When every iota of our being is crying out for rebellion against the authority that God has placed over our lives like pastor, leaders, elders, husband, father, teacher then what shall we do? The answer to this is — to look at the cross which is the ultimate point of submission. Do you think it was easy for Jesus to become a man? Do you think it was easy for Jesus to become a servant, who was being served in heaven by legions of angels at His disposal who used to tremble at His mere presence? Instead, He not only became a man but also took the place of wretched sinners and died on the cross like a criminal. The hands which He created were the same hands which were used against Him to beat him up, the mouth that He created were the same mouth which spat on Him and the same legs which He created kicked the very creator.

Didn’t He have the power to destroy those whom He Himself created by a mere word? He was the very word that held the universe together and had the power to do so. However, what was it that restrained Himself from doing so? That can be described as — ‘Submission to the Father’s will’ — this is what defines and describes the Triune God!

Further, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:3, “Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” Now, notice this carefully that the head always represents the authority placed over us. We read in Romans 13:2, “Consequently he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God instituted and those who do so will be bringing judgment on themselves.” The thing to notice is when Jesus came in flesh He had the authority over Him — and He fully submitted to that head (authority) even to the point of death.

Where do we learn submission? From the Triune God in action. When the sweat of Jesus rolled like blood — every ounce of His body did not want to take the sins of the world upon Himself — for it was extremely difficult for Him who knew no sin, had to become sin. In this He submitted to the Head (Authority) saying, “Father not my will but yours be done.” 1 Peter 3:22 says, “who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand with angels, authority and powers in submission to him.” Now notice carefully, because in flesh He was in submission to the head — Jesus now has all the authority, all power in submission to Him and is equal to the Father in all sense as He was in the beginning.

So we learn from the Triune God how to be submitted to the head like — pastors, leaders, godly husband and others because we will be elevated and blessed as we do this.

Testimony: I know a person who was working in a company and wanted to take a prayer cell group near his residence. But the pastor permitted him a prayer cell that was around 15km away from his residence. He submitted to the authority and agreed to render his service there. God lifted his ministry to a towering height and flooded it with blessings because of his submission.

To read more, refer to the Book “The Triune God Unravelling the Truth” Written by Dr. Winston Joseph. Click the Link Below to Purchase this Book From Amazon

#submission #father #jesuschrist #authority



Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries
Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries

Written by Apostle Winston Joseph Ministries

Prophet, Pastor, Mentor, Teacher, Amazing Man of God with a vigilant vision of winning souls and Christ’s Blood Washed India.

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