Self Control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit as Galatians 5:22 reveal us. Every believer must have the Spirit that produces self-control. King Solomon tells us in Proverbs 25:28, “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” A man who has self-control is like a city that is sealed, has protection and security under the power of the authority; whereas a man without self-control lacks not only protection and security but is vulnerable to outside danger. So, from where do we believers receive our model of being in self-control? We learn this from Jesus on the cross who did not lose His self-control before the self-esteemed and self-righteous Jews religious leaders. They hurled an insult at Him saying if He has the power to come down from the cross and then they would believe Him. Even when they challenged the power of Jesus, He did not succumb to their pressure because of His self-control. He was in total control of the situation, not giving up under the situation.
So what can we do when people, our friends, dear ones, our foes, our relatives i.e. our companions provoke and challenge us to do something stupid — we can look to that cross where ‘Jesus’ — the majestic the King of kings and the Lord of lords took total control of the situation by having self-control.
To read more, refer to the Book “The Triune God Unravelling the Truth” Written by Dr. Winston joseph. If you want this Book Please Contact us- 9324952878