We learn Commitment towards one another from our Triune God. Though believing in Triune God there are some who do not believe in commitment- be it church or family life or any other area of their life. They want blessings and prosperity in their life but they are professional jumpers, i.e., jumping from one church to another and being committed to none, doing whatever pleases them, at the end of it all they want is to get blessings and prosperity. However, the fact remains that it is impossible to receive the blessings and prosperity they aspire to when they are a church hopper!
The Bible mentions in Psalm 92:12 “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon.” It further adds in Psalm 92:13 “planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.” It is clearly stated above that it is not only important to be righteous but also equally necessary to be planted (connected) in the house of the Lord. Notice the word, ‘planted (connected)’ and not just being a visitor, i.e., in other words being committed and planted in the local church and being committed to the pastor and to the congregation. You may say that you are a member of a universal church (unseen church); but dear sir, the Universal Church is made up of local churches!! My friend whosoever you are, you ought to be committed to a local Bible-believing church. You cannot ignore a Bible-based church as your blessing is hidden inside that church.
You may go to a church where nobody knows you and you may think you can visit any church as you please where the word is not preached. That is certainly not the type of church Christ had in His mind when He said that He would build His church as mentioned in Matthew 16:18. Dear friend, I beseech you in the authority of God’s word to be planted in the local church where God has placed you and called you to be. Now the question arises how and where do we learn this commitment? The answer is, undoubtedly, from the Triune God whom we ought to practice in our everyday life!
Testimony: During my stay in Jamshedpur, my family and I were committed to a local church for thirty years. Being committed to the local church eventually, God blessed us with a local church in Navi Mumbai with showers of blessings and prosperity with multitudes getting healed, delivered, and saved in every service, ultimately leading to life in abundance.
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