Blessing That Flows Out Of Thanksgiving (Part 2)
Let’s take one more example of Paul and Silas. They were put in jail for preaching the gospel and they had all the opportunity to stay in grumbling valley but they chose to keep their being in thanksgiving mountain instead of grumbling valley (Acts 16:25). By doing that they activated the unseen realm and the angels got activated.
The Bible says in Acts 16:26, “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.”
When we keep our being in thanksgiving mountain then something that are bound will be loosed suddenly and even age-old foundations of the devil will be destroyed. Doors that were shut will be opened and chains will be broken.
Let’s look at one more example of Peter, who was put in prison and the very next day could have been in his last day. Peter kept his being on the mountain top of thanksgiving instead of keeping his being in grumbling valley. So he was having continual feast of God’s presence to an extent that he was asleep peacefully even in prison between two soldiers, bound with two chains (Acts 12:6,7). Because his being was in continual state of thanksgiving, light shined in the utter dark place of the prison cell and he was free from an impossible situation.