Ask Yourself, Are you a prisoner of Money?
Greeting, Let’s meditate on this word
Jeremiah 22:28 Is this man Coniah a despised, broken pot, an object no one wants?
Jeremiah 22:30 This is what the Lord says record this man … who will not prosper in his lifetime.
Notice the above word broken pot it represents “ HEART “ In other words, his heart is full of flaws and he was a prisoner for 37 years. Ask yourself this question are you a prisoner of money? If so you will never prosper because you are a broken pot that cannot hold prosperity.
The Bible says Matthew 6:24 you cannot serve both money and God and Luke 16:13. Says he will be devoted to one and despise the other. Devotion is the attitude of the heart. If a man is devoted to money, that means money has become his master.
So that person's heart is broken pot where prosperity cannot stay. He will be a poor man throughout his life. In other words, if you are a slave to money__ you will be destroyed by money. But if you can treat money as your slave then prosperity that is wealth, riches, and Gold are yours for the taking.
So confess with me loudly…
Gold, silver and millions are mine and are following me all the days of my life because all these are my slaves and I have mastered over them by giving them away in Jesus' name.