Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve’s first sin (Unbelief and Doubt)
Let us read, Genesis 3:4–5, “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
When we read both the verses carefully, it gets very clear that the first sin committed by Adam and Eve was unbelief and doubt. In reference to the above-given verse, the devil comes and says that God does not want you to eat it because the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God.
But in truth, Genesis 1:26 states that both (Adam and Eve) were already like God. So, the first sin of humanity was doubt and unbelief in the Word of God.
Many people argue why it is only through faith people receive blessings and glory? Simply, because the man lost his blessings and glory through unbelief and doubt, as Romans 3:23 tells, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
So to receive our lost blessings and glory it is mandatory to have faith on Jesus Christ and on the work of the Calvary. Faith is the door through which heavenly blessings come upon us.
Our God is alive and the God who sets us free from bondage and slavery. One young brother who was a post-graduate in Commerce (M.Com) was in depression and going through mental stress for 6 years. That brother did not sleep at night and stayed awake all night, due to which he was very angry and irritable. That brother was also afraid to go out, because of that he did not go anywhere out, but would sit at home all day looking at the wall at the same place. One day that brother came to our prayer meeting where I was preaching that you are made for glory. That day, the anointing of Lord Jesus touched him. After going home, that brother continually listened to my sermon. And that brother got a good job within a week. The brother who did not go out of the house for 6 years, was afraid and kept looking at the wall at the same place, that brother is now completely out of despair. The fear of going out was completely gone from inside. Today, that same brother is working well and growing in the joy and blessings of the Lord.